The watch is also limited to 1001 pieces (333 or so pieces of each color), and is available with a variety of colors trims for the dial.
Watches are usually tested a bit beyond their stated water resistance, so adding that extra meter doesn’t mean anything from a technical standpoint – all part of the built -in depth rating wiggle room. Basically it is the same as a 1000 meter diving watch, but they decided to add another meter to the title. The U 1001 name refers to the fact that it is water resistant to 1001 meters.

Read the back and the sides of the watch to learn just about everything you’d like to know about it. All over the case are branding details and information about the watch. The metal case is cut very well, and the titanium has a very smooth bead-blasted feel to it. Speaking of big metal cars, the U-Boat U 1001 is a whopping 55mm wide in titanium. It is totally unwise for me to think about driving in stop and go California traffic in that dream ’69 GTO Judge, but I think I would look pretty kick ass in the process. Which goes back to my concept of it being like a muscle car. It is funny, because no matter how many silly things I find in the watch, I still like it. I don’t know if this is because I keep hearing the cool music that U-Boat has on their website and pondering the sophisticated marketing campaigns they employ, or if I am genuinely moved by their clever designs.

This isn’t to say the U 1001 isn’t a watch or doesn’t function well as one, but rather that it has some rugged features that are sort of misplaced on an “image” watch such as this. Like a dress made specially for a model to show-off during a runway show only, this limited edition U-Boat U 1001 watch is a bold fashion item that has many hallmarks of being something function, but falls just short of actually being that. While there is a sweet spot case size and design for the brand, they have gone a good way beyond that a number of times – specially done for those who need a fresh fix of wild designs. U-Boat’s momentum is only held back by its new designs and ability to continue to squeeze juice out of its theme.